I was pretty much attracted to this show by the trailer. The effects and the storyline seems good at first. Sam Raimi, director of Spiderman 1,2,3 , certainly ensure that both the sound effect and the CG looks solid and real.
In the early part of the movie, it was really good and scary. The suspense is definitely there and the use of the sound effect can really scare the hell out of you. As the story progress, things starts to get overdo. When it starts to get cheezy, the fear factor is gone. Certain things doesnt really make sense, if you really need to dig up a grave, would you have gone to a cemetery alone? The corpse and the vomit thing certainly was also overdo.
To sum it up it was a passable movie, but because the trailer was pretty well shot, my expectation of the movie became higher, thus the disppointment.
Movie Rating: 2.5 Star
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