I just love this show.
I duno why but I am very attracted to the lead actress, I think she has a very unique feel, and she look very sweet.
The way the movie was portrayed is also very different. They showed the development of the couple, day by day. Sometime the movie skip to the "future" and den come back to the "present" to show the contrast, Example:
Day 200, romantic outing, simple things but yet special
Day 400, dinner and home, nothing special, just another day
The story is quite true for most relationship.
They also talk about values of love, commitment, etc
For most ladies I think you will like it.
For guys, if you are the kind that are either Macho, or Nerd, and hate romance, skip it.
For people who been tru relationship and suffer heart break, this movie might just bring back some painful or beautiful memories
Movie rating : 4 Star
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