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Gregarious - Seeking and enjoying the company of others

Assertive - Inclined to bold or confident assertion; aggressively self-assured

Preclude - To make impossible, as by action taken in advance; prevent,
Modesty precludes me from accepting the honor

Disposition - 1. a person's usual temperament or frame of mind
2. (Psychology) a natural or acquired tendency, inclination, or habit in a person or thing

Propensity - a natural tendency or disposition

Preponderance - Superiority in weight, force, importance, or influence

Pragmatic - Dealing or concerned with facts or actual occurrences; practical

Movie Review #54 ip man 2

I thought the first installation is better because of the more indepth storyline.
The highlight of this movie would be the fighting scene between Sammo hung and Donnie yen which I thought was really good.

6 Star : Fine, worth watching

Movie Review #53 Ironman 2

Alot of my friends commented that Ironman 2 is not that nice. I wouldnt say that the movie itself was not that nice, in fact I felt that the movie was good. You would need know a little bit of some marvel story to understand more of the overall picture that Ironman 2 is trying to paint.

The action and fighting scene is just awesome. The only part that I hated was, how the way Tony Stark reacted when he realise tat is about to die because of the lithium toxification, they kind of twisted the storyline abit because the original ironman is someway off from the movie franchise...

8 Star : Magnificent, must watchs
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